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MODEL modelpath,# = the params are optional. Creates and deletes a monster for memory testing.

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MONSTERMEM MonsterName,# = the params are option. MONSTER monsterName,count = creates count of monsterName Type monster to see indices of all monsters in the game. MONSTER index,count = the params are option. Pass in Zero or a negative number for level will use the dungeon depth as the level. SPAWNCLASS spawnclassName,count,level = just type spawnclass to see all the spawn classes listed. UNIT unitName,count = creates a unit by name and count. Type any to see indexes of all units in the game.ĮDITOROBJECT objectName,count = Creates an object from the editor for testing memory use. IDENTIFYALL identify all items in the player’s inventory.ĪNY index,count = the params are option. ITEM itemName,count = creates count of itemName.ĪLLITEMS unittype = spawns all items of a given unittype (use “_” for spaces) Type items to see indexes of all monsters in the game. ITEM index,count = the params are option. SKILLTEST = different in the command skill, this will allow you to execute any skill even if it wasn’t intended for your character. Type the number or the name of the skill to make active on the player. SKILL name/index = type just skill to see a list of skills. SETDIFFICULTY # : Sets the current difficulty, values range from (0) Easy to (3) Very Hard. RESETPLAYER : Resets player’s stats, skills, and level.ĬAMERADISTANCE # : The # the camera will be from the player.ĭIFFICULTY: Displays the current game difficulty. RESETPLAYERLEVEL : Resets the player’s level to 1. RESETSKILLS : Resets the player’s skills. RESETSTATS : Resets the player’s stat points. HURTME # : Reduces the player and the player’s pet HP by the given percent. SETPETLEVEL : Sets the pet’s level set to “#”ĭISABLEPET : Disables/enables the player’s pet.ĭEBUGLOGIC : Toggles if the logic events are fired to the ogre log.ĪNIMATIONSPEED # : Changes the animation of everything to match the FPS. SKILLPOINTS # : Gives you skill points set to “#”. MAGIC # : Gives you magic points set to “#”.ĭEFENSE # : Gives you defense points set to “#”.ĪLLSTATS # : Gives you the count to all stats to “#”.įAME # : Gives you fame points set to “#”. STRENGTH # : Gives you melee points set to “#”.ĭEXTERITY # : Gives you ranged points set to “#”. STATPOINTS # : Gives you stat points set to “#”. SPEED : Toggles additional speed for the character.ĭAMAGE SHAPES : toggles damage shapes on and off. ROOM : Returns the room the player currently is in.įPS : Shows the frame rate and other information. SETTIMESCALE # : Sets the timescale for time of day to “#”. (Ghost Mode)ĪLWAYSCRIT : Player always hits critically. PLAYERNOTARGET : Toggles Monster targeting on/off. GODSPEED : Toggles invincibility and extra speed on/off. Note: Replace “#” with numbers, and remove all parentheses, and quotation marks.

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